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Who Will Weep, When You Die?

There were men of art,
With millions behind the seer
Who would, with their lives part,
For the great leader!
There were those whose morals had slept,
And were hated to the core.
When they departed from life's door,
Not a child wept!
Which do you want to be?
O', what do you want to see?
Who will weep when you die?
Who will shed tears for you and cry
When the last breath of yours is gone,
When life is over and everything done,
Will you be the one to weep?
That when you wanted, you didn't leap
Or all your accomplishments were in vain?
Did you not see, death comes clear and plain,
Wipes out all memories and hardens the brain!
We all have a long overhaul, again and again -
Of work and pleasure, in the sun and rain.
Each day counts,
Each hour counts,
Each minute counts,
Each second counts.
If we make peace with our soul,
Forgive, forget and be whole;
Death is then, but an eternal rest!
But again I say, when life has departed
Who will weep on our deathbed?
An early death, will grieve the sower,
For things are beyond his power.
And his grief will be genuine,
For he couldn't reap his harvest.
A death in old age, grieves none
Save those emotionally bound.
Those that are still in their nest,
And got to make their best.
Who will weep,
If death will creep
All of a sudden?

Who Will Weep, When You Die? Reviewed by Polymath on 5:12 am Rating: 5

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