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Real Contrasting Stories of Love (The Loved & the Unloved)

Hauz Khas Water Reservoir

Who had more Self-restraint?

(Based on a set of true events)

Ahmed and Alam had been close friends all their lives. They had lived an austere lives in their childhood and were taught by the same Maulana, beginning with the letter Alif. As they grew, they were taught that sexual relationship before marriage or with anyone who was not their spouse was a great sin. And they had heeded their Ustad’s word carefully. But as their village developed with introduction of mobile phones and internet, they got to see a new world. A hidden world, which had been within the jurisdiction of adults lay open before them. And they saw those restricted English movies (as the adults and old men called), that showed love making in a way they hadn’t ever imagined before.
Both Ahmed and Alam had promised to tell each other, when they lost their virginity. After their education had been completed in their native village in Bihar, the two friends moved to two different cities, and were lost in their own world. Ahmed went to Delhi while Alam shifted to Bengaluru. However they kept in touch with each other on the social media.
After 10 years, when each of them had been established in their own fields, they decided to meet.  Alam came to Delhi, and they met at a coffee shop in Hauz Khas Village. Hauz Khas village was built around 700 hundred years ago in the time of Alauddin Khalji. The name is derived from the existence of a water tank (which exists even today, though it must have been modified) that was meant for the Sultan and his close ones. There is a deer park opposite to it. A perfect place to repose in Delhi’s hot summer.

Deer Park Close to Hauz Khas

“So, bro… Did you screw someone, or are you still a virgin?” Alam asked sipping hot coffee. Ahmed began his story.
Ahmed met Reena on the Facebook in a group. Reena was twenty when Ahmed first met her. And she lived in Delhi, so it was good for Ahmed.
She had been in a relationship before and had been sexually active. Well after that, she had quarrelled with her boyfriend and broke up like most Delhi couples seeking fresh adventure. Needless to say who was wrong, it was better to move on. And so, she found hanging on Facebook easier than building real life relationships.
And that was good for Ahmed. He knew he would never fall in love with Reena. Reena was the simplest girl he knew. She was originally from Bihar. Her parents had shifted to Delhi. And that’s where she had grown up for most of her life. She spoke as naturally as she could. She however didn’t speak her true language that her parents spoke- the Maithili language that natives speak in northern Bihar. Reena was bred to be a girl with some of the cultural values. However, in Delhi, they had lost some of the age old traditions of Bihar.
Reena worked in a book store. There’s a general notion that girls working in bookstore are beautiful. Ahmed’s guess was not wrong, for Reena’s picture on the internet seemed beautiful. But something in her seemed child-like. Her cute face looked so innocent. Reena was a girl, a guy would fall in love with and marry. But thinking of her in a sexual way was difficult for Ahmed.
“Bro, I haven’t told you. But I was in long distance relationship with a girl. She is from Bhopal. We have been chatting on WhatsApp with each other frequently. But, this loneliness kills me. So, I thought of having a friend in Delhi.”
“Aren’t you cheating on your lover by having a girlfriend here in Delhi?”
“No. I haven’t cheated her. Listen to my story.”
Ahmed had loved the Bhopal girl from the core of his heart. But fate seemed unlikely to unite them easily. Ahmed took to talking to Reena in his hours of loneliness. Reena was the perfect girl for him. Without any string of attachment, she would humour him with her silly talks. Reena didn’t want anyone as a boyfriend again in her life. She also thought Ahmed to be the perfect guy for her, with whom she could enjoy without getting involved in a relationship. Without any emotional attachment she could move on in life!
Reena wanted fun. The first time Ahmed and Reena decided to meet in real life was in the Delite Cinema Hall. Delite Cinema Hall is one of the oldest Cinema Halls in India. And it has maintained the tradition of the Maharaja's Décor. Famous personalities like Jawaharlal NehruIndira GandhiSheikh Abdullah and even Shah Rukh Khan have patronized the Hall. Ahmed had carefully planned the event. He booked two corner tickets for the movie Uri: The Surgical Strike. Unfortunately Reena was half an hour late, and Ahmed was mad waiting. He decided to teach her a lesson. When she stretched her hand to introduce herself, he refused to hold it. And he refused to introduce himself. They drank juice after the movie and left.

The Delite Cinema Hall

Reena wanted to roam the city with someone. She wanted to go to a bar and club. She wanted to drink to her fill and dance. But Ahmed avoided going to bars and clubs. He would stare at the bars from outside and supress his desire of curiosity to see what went within.
She would ask him during their Facebook Messenger to meet at India gate or other historical places. Delhi has history spread everywhere within its vicinity. And visiting a historical place with someone of the opposite sex was worth the time.
Reena and Ahmed were non-committed to each other. Each had their own world and briefly came to talk about their passion, the things they loved. Reena was a free bird after her break-up. But Ahmed was committed to the girl he loved forever.
“No matter, you will never be my first love. And I promised myself, that I wouldn’t do anything before I married my wife. And whatever I would do, it would be with my wife.”
Well, it was a challenge on Ahmed’s part to resist temptation.
“You are too young. I would rather marry your mom than you. I have no emotions for you. You are more like a kid for me.” Ahmed would tell her.
Reena was hurt. But she tried to be indifferent. She said, “I have no feelings for you either.”
Would they hold the passion of lust that creeps in a human? Would they hold themselves if they had to? Or would they succumb to their passions?
Ahmed one day, while on Messenger chat asked Reena to come to his flat where he lived alone.
“What will we do?” She asked.
“What else? Watch our favourite porn in full volume. Have food, and then you can go.”
“And you will be able to control yourself?”
“You have to come here for to see if I can control myself or not!”
“You are cold, Ahmed.” She winked.
Reena was initially reluctant to come. Going to a boy’s flat didn’t seem right for her. She had her earlier experiences. However after lot of persuasion, Ahmed managed to convince Reena to come to his flat.
Reena dressed up beautifully, and arrived at Ahmed’s place. She was cute, and Ahmed felt drawn towards her. Would he do something to her? Something to test his manhood?
It’s almost every young guy’s desire in this modern world to watch porn with a girl. Ahmed was no exception. Ahmed offered his laptop to Reena to watch the porn videos which she liked. She would have an adventure of a lifetime watching her favourite porn with a boy.
Now, they were all alone in the room. With 100 percent privacy and no eavesdropping. Two young people with hot blood in them, about to watch porn in laptop. That too desi porn, the ones they liked. Would they be able to control their lust?
Alam exclaimed in excitement, “I am sure you must have f**ked her hard while watching porn.”
“No, bro. I didn’t even touch her.”
“Why?” Alam wondered.
“Because I didn’t love her! She looked so innocent and childlike, that I didn’t feel like doing anything with her.”
“Even after watching porn with her?” Alam asked incredulously.
“Yes. Even after watching porn!”
Alam quietly looked at his half-empty coffee cup, lost in deep thought.
“Now you say, bro... what did you do?” Ahmed asked. “Did you screw someone or you are still a virgin?”
“Well I met a beautiful girl and fell in love with her. Her name is Rani, and she lives in Mumbai. She was the most beautiful creature I ever met. And in this world, she would write love letters to me. I was mesmerized by her beautiful writing and choice of words. She was a free thinking girl. I loved her in all ways. Rani has loved me unconditionally.”
“How did you meet her?” Ahmed asked.
“Well, on a train journey to Mumbai. It happened, she was solving some questions. She had been stuck, and I decided to help her. Her dad was impressed, and it was easy for us to exchange our phone numbers. I then found her on Facebook and sent her a friend request. We got talking, and I don’t know how we got committed to each other. But now I realize I can’t live without her.”
One day, we decided to meet at her place. I booked an OYO couple-friendly hotel room that was close to her home. I had planned a two-day visit to her place. I asked her to send me the pictures of her home. The first day I went searching for her home. I clicked several pictures of her place and sent those pictures on her WhatsApp number. The next day she came to my hotel room.
She was nervous, and so I was. But once we were in the room with each other, all alone, we were comfortable. I held her hand for the first time.

The OYO Hotel

It was one of the most romantic moment in my life. We ordered coffee in our room. We talked with the door open until the coffee arrived. After that we shut the door.
When we had drunk half of our coffee, I suggested her to exchange our cups. I held her hand, and I sipped coffee from where her lips had touched the cup. I noticed she did the same. After the coffee, we drew the blinds. Then I hugged her and kissed her on the cheeks. She cried while she was in my arms. It was one of the best feeling ever in my life.
“Oh my God!” Exclaimed Ahmed. “After that you must have taken her to bed!”
“No dear. That was the limit.”
“Why, man? You were all alone with the girl you loved in an OYO hotel room!”
“Yes, because I loved her. Somethings are best left to be done after marriage!”
They smiled peevishly at each other. 

Maybe they were lying, or just to keep the words of their Ustad they had stayed virgin. Maybe they told the truth. They were impotent, or had masturbated before meeting their girl or they had strong values, only God knew! But dear readers, I would like to ask you, as normal human beings which of these two had more self-restraint on themselves?

Real Contrasting Stories of Love (The Loved & the Unloved) Reviewed by Polymath on 11:43 pm Rating: 5

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