Seven Lives, as my Wives?
That’s not my hotel room number. It’s the year of my birth.
You might be surprised, and may reason something is wrong with the year or I am
using a different calendar. No. Nothing is wrong. Except that I have lived for
more than five hundred years and seen everything life has to show me. I am not
an old man. I am still young and will live for another five hundred years, I
suppose, unless I don’t get killed by someone. I am not a vampire; I don’t suck
blood to live so long. Neither I do something evil, or change bodies. These are
not my cup of tea. I am not a crook either. I happen to be one of the most
normal human beings on earth. I would be considered a normal person in the
times when humans lived for a thousand years and those who grow old and die in
a hundred years would have been considered a case of progeria. The normal
varies according to time. What was considered abnormal five hundred years ago
is seen to be normal today! An example would be that a Brahmin eating with an
untouchable in the same plate was unthinkable five hundred years ago but is
common today, as untouchability has ceased to exist. I never had a birth
certificate, and those who know me for the present; I usually give them a range
of my physiological age.
Ever since I have known that I have been aging very slowly,
I have changed my residences every twenty five years. This is what I do. I go
to an unknown land. Settle there, get married and have children. And when I
have spent twenty five years of married life, I tell my wife and children that
I am quitting this worldly life and am going to the Himalayas to meditate and
be a Sadhu.
This life of 100 years of an average man have been divided
into four parts. The twenty-five years of life known as, Brahmachari period is spent in bachelorhood learning, the vedas and dharma. The next twenty-five years of life is Grihastha period or married family life, where one devotes life,
contributing to the society. Next twenty-five years are to be spent in the
jungle to know one self and God, known as the Vanaprastha stage. And after that, once you acquire the knowledge,
you are supposed to go back to people and preach and deliver sermons, which is
what a Sanyasi does. Now, it is fine
to live for hundred years and die as everyone does.
But that has not been my case. There are rare cases of us,
born into the human species who have a life span of a thousand years. And that
has made me socially unfit. Each of the four stages in my life is supposed to
be of two hundred and fifty years. What do you suppose I could do?
250 years of married family life. An average woman gives
about twenty-five years to the actual cause of marriage. In that way, for
fulfilling my Grihastha period I
would need ten women. Well, I have taken only six wives in these span of five
hundred years of my life. For the first two hundred and fifty years of my life,
I was a Brahmachari. And for the next
250 years of married life, six wives is a small number. Two of my wives died
before they could complete the twenty-five year period. And it was quite
difficult managing my life alone during those times wandering alone.
I have been born into a Brahmin caste, and so getting wives
was not hard during the initial phase of my life. However through, all these
five hundred years I have seen civilization change. And now there is nothing
more left to see. Or there is? Maybe I will get to see more peace than was
before along with more freedom and individual nonsense.
The year I was born, was not something black and white as
you seen in movies. Those times were as much colourful, as it is today, and in
some aspects more colourful. There was crudeness in people’s behaviour. But everything
was natural. People were kind and cruel at the same time. When I was a young
lad, I remember Babur invaded my region. And he established the Moghul rule. I
have seen him, his sons and grandsons, all way down the line till their utter
destruction. I have seen the British ruling India, and then finally the Indians
getting free. I have seen the partition of India and the woes that came upon on
the displaced. I have seen the development progress from the pace of a snail to
that of a cheetah. Now is there anything left? I still have another five
hundred years to live.
And that’s now becoming a problem. If forests and mountains
are destroyed, it will be a difficult time for me to spend my third phase of
life wandering in the forest. I will have to get back to the village and live
on alms. And that’s not how my life should end. This thousand years of life is
given to those who can negotiate with the gods to see every aspect of the human
civilization. And there are only seven of us who have this thousand years of
life boon or curse!
Now a long longevity might be what most of you would want.
Seeing how things exist for long. But in the end, it is death that haunts each
of us. No one can be immortal. Fortunately, there is none of a woman who is
among the seven of us. I wonder how she would be able to manage the family part
of her life. Women have been made physically weaker than men, there is no doubt
about it. Through all these years I have lived, I have seen women persecuted.
And now everything is changing. The kingdoms have vanished. People have changed.
They vote for governments. Do I like the change? I don’t know. Women have come
into the forefront. And family life has become more of an option. I will see
more things, more changes, but I think I have seen enough! People have become
more polished and refined in their behaviour and way of life. We have more of
individual freedom. But at a cost. When as an individual you are left to make
decisions, it strains the mind more which causes inner conflict. These days
there are proportionate increase in mental illness and agony than it was
before. And you have to seek treatment for these diseases, which was unheard of
five hundred years ago. The lifestyle changes has also caused many unknown
diseases to surface up. Well, the world has changed a lot in these five hundred
It is an art to conceal your real age. And with the
digitalisation, it has become all the more difficult. I wonder, what will
happen to those who are born with this curse of living for a thousand years in
the recent times. Well, they will have to be very very clever to live a normal
social life. Or maybe the gods won’t curse anyone more with longevity.
The first love and wife is usually the best and closest to
the heart. Rest are to fulfil the void that comes along. I had stayed with my first
wife for forty years, until she suspected something foul in me. The date to be
precise was 1748 when I was first married. I was a handsome young man, though
my wife didn’t know I had served Ibrahim Lodi’s soldiers as a water-carrier-boy
in the battlefield against Babur in the battle of Panipat in 1526. It was sad
to see Lodi lose, and historians made him a cruel king. I was a young boy then,
similar to a twelve year old boy of today, though my chronological age was 31
My first wife name was Survi. And she happened to be the
delight of my eyes. We loved each other a lot. There was no other man in her
life unlike these days. A woman once married to a man was married forever.
Survi as my first wife, was the only exception that I had to keeping a woman as
a wife for twenty-five years of my life. I stayed with her for forty years in
marriage. She was fifteen when I had married her, and she turned fifty-five
when I left her for the Himalayas with a broken heart. We had nine children
together. There was no concept of contraception like today, and children were
thought to be gifts from God. I had seven sons and two daughters, out of which
three of my sons died in childhood. Yes, mortality was very high then, but
luckily I had a half dozen children alive who reached up to adulthood. The
problem began when my children started looking older than me, and Survi looked
more of my mother. I looked in my twenties, and Survi changed from a loving
wife to a nagging wife. She would scold me on little matters and I began to
fear her. I had always looked into her eyes, and loved her. She had changed
during the forty years of our married life, but her eyes were the same, when I
was first married to her. Well, I could see her soul through them. It was just
unfortunate that I had to live the rest of my life without her. We believe in
the cycle of rebirths. And when we get married we get married for the seven
births. That’s what the seven rounds taken by the bride and the groom before
the fire during the marriage ceremony signifies. My Survi was made for me for
seven births, and I hoped I would find her in each of those births she took and
make her my wife in all her births.
After I had left Survi, I went to another part of the
country assumed a new name and worked as a carpenter. I kept the updates of my
wife Survi, till she died. I had told her about my long life, and had promised
her, I would find her and marry her if she happened to take rebirth again. I
waited for fifteen years after my wife, Survi had died. And I began for search
for a new wife. I would find her, if she was reborn somewhere. I frequented
fairs, and festive gatherings which was common place for young girls to show
up. I searched for the eyes that I were of my wife, in the lost unknown world.
A girl of fifteen. That was the usual age for a girl to get married to.
And one day I found her in a fair, with her companions. My
proposal to her parents was not rejected. My second wife, also named Survi, was
an ideal wife. She had the same set of eyes, my Survi had. And I believed she
had been reincarnated for me. After we had been married for some ten years, I
told her the secret of my longevity and how she happened to be the
reincarnation of my first wife. She was more than glad, and she vowed she would
be my wife for all her seven lives. I stayed with Survi for twenty-five years
of life. And then retired to the Himalayas, to meditate for some time and come
back to the society with a new identity.
Eventually, I would seek the girl for my wife, who happened
to be born after my former wife’s death when she was of fifteen years. It would
take time, but I was able to find my Survi each time. Those familiar eyes were
irreplaceable. I would find her, even if she was lost among a billion people.
And this way I found her for six times, and married her for the sixth time.
Survi, as my sixth wife died around twenty-five years ago. Out of the six wives
I had only two of my Survis were a disappointment in nature. Not that they were
unfaithful; unfaithful word was unknown then. It’s our culture that has
ingrained the high values in women. However, I shouldn’t speak ill of my wives,
but to let you know why they were a disappointment for me, because they held
too high expectations from me. Well, I could find the treasures of Bimbisar if
I wanted, but what use would that be to me? Eventually, I would have to leave
everything and move on.
Now having lived for about two hundred and fifty years of married
life, married six times to the love of my life, the time has come for me to
move to the next stage of life, Vanaprastha
and give up Grihastha. It is just
a sad fact, that my Grihastha period
has ended and I couldn’t marry Survi for the seventh time. With an exponential
increase in population, finding a woman maybe a difficult task. However with
the advancement of technology, I was keen to know more things about this world
changes, and if I could use to find my wife Survi again. It is rather I
believe, easier to find a woman these days even though the numbers are huge,
with so much freedom.
I had learnt the use of new technology. It was a social
media called Facebook, when I saw the resemblance of my wife with a girl named
Surabhi. I saw her eyes, and immediately recognised her to be those same eyes I
had looked into so lovingly. Those eyes were so familiar, that I had known
always, whether they would be in any part of the world. I had lived with her
for the major part of my life and had seen those beautiful pair of eyes each
day in my mind. I couldn’t hold myself and decided to talk to her. Maybe, her
rebirth was a test for me. I messaged her on Facebook, and then as we started
talking, I wanted to hear her voice. We exchanged our phone numbers and when we
did talk, I could feel the deja entendu in
her voice. It was not a vague familiarit,
but the association was real. She had the humour and the rough language when we
last parted. But I couldn’t tell this to
her, for my time had come to shift to next phase of life.
It has left me in a state of dilemma, should I tell her, marry
her and continue the Grihastha phase
of my life. Or silently watch her get married to someone else. What worse thing
could a man ask, but to see his wife get married to another man while he has to
hide his true identity? Do I like the times of now? Hell, no! There was the
time when getting married meant getting married forever. Spouses were meant for
seven lives. And now I see, people get into numerous relationships before
getting married. And some of them getting a divorce after marriage and some
getting into relationships after marriage. Is it good? It haunts my conscience,
and I wonder what more I have to see. The government has raised the marriage
age of a girl to 18 and 21 for boys, and everyone is so career conscious and
worldly-minded that they forget to look within themselves, to know who they
are. Late marriages, with numerous flings have become the norm. Am I happy? I
think I have seen enough of the world, and it is real time to pack my baggage
and shift to the Himalayas, permanently till death….to death…
Reviewed by Polymath
4:31 pm

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