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The Look

When I kept my hand on yours!

It was your look Miss,
That filled my heart with bliss.
Did I say how often,
I dreamed of holding ye
To feel your warmth and soften
My aversion for women!
Can I ask thee,
When we were in the open,
how had ye the valour of men
To hold my hand,
And look into my eye?
And I was like a coward fool,
Like a kid just out of school
Who couldn't meet thee
In thy eye!
Is it thy nature to be happy
to feel the power of youth
and show how defeated am I.
But within the four walls,
Why did courage fail thee
to look at me?
Why couldn't ye
after letting me
hold thy hand,
Kept thy stand
to look at me
as thou did before,
for just once more?
Is shyness a part of feminine beauty,
To resent touch, but yet want more?
Even though we closed the door!

The Look Reviewed by Polymath on 9:47 pm Rating: 5


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