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You Will Never Know What Is In My Heart

Do you know how it feels to be alone,
When you have never been?
Do you know how it feels to cry,
And by none you are seen?

To shed tears in someone's memory,
And wail out loud in an empty room;
Is it a sign of a weak heart 
Or to feel pain and wipe out gloom? 

Do you exist for me or for someone
Who loveth you more than I?
Then it is all the more for me to break
Like dry leaves and die!

For I can never come to a resolution
That someone can loveth you more!
Do you need a proof to see me dead,
Hanging myself dead, before your door!

And never can I come to a resolution
That your love has faded for me!
My sole existence of my soul
Is your love that says "Be"!

How can you stay apart from me
And say nothing to fill my mind?
Haven't I loved you enough to see
I have to my own pleasures turned blind?

Need I gaze at the stars, and pray
And make a wish when a shooting star goes by?
Or seek you in dark caverns and lonely deserts
To feel your presence, as I decay and die!

I will grow a dark rose with your name,
And tend it with all the love and care!
And when I am dead, in your memory,
Let the roses bloom, and me be buried there!

You Will Never Know What Is In My Heart Reviewed by Polymath on 6:47 pm Rating: 5


  1. Last one...well,idk what to say for that exactly and seems like you're missing your love...

  2. Hurt touching .. Highly emotional yet felt real.. Relatable to me.. Forgot what is happening around me for a moment while reading . ..

  3. Black roses ❤


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