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The Gift

(picture- for the sake of representation of the future/past)

The world is a beautiful place if lived for others. This world is strange too.
Five elderly women were huddled together as old Mrs. Dolly lay on her bed, feeling her end was near.
“Get my specs on the table,” she gasped to one of them.
Mrs. Olebe gave her the spectacles that looked quite old. The frame had been discoloured, and Mrs. Dolly with all her effort put it on her eyes, to get the last view of her old friends.
It was one of the usual days for the old lady. At 90 she had nothing more to regret or live. And it was a day, she would remember all her life. The 13th of the month was an auspicious number for her. It was the day, when she met the love of her life for the first time. He was like any other usual men, you wouldn’t first notice on the street. But then as he was her everything, and she was his all!
“I think my love has come to receive me,” whispered Mrs. Dolly.
They gathered around Mrs. Dolly, talking of old days and love. Then Mrs. Mutasa spoke about her first love, and beautiful everything had been then.
“My first date with my love was a wonderful one. I was 16, and he gave me a chocolate.”
“What happened to the chocolate?” Mrs. Olebe asked.
“Well, I ate it. Rather we ate it together. He broke a piece and made me eat from his hand, and I did the same. It has been a wonderful memory.”
They talked of love and the bygone days of youth. Each remembering their brief period of happiness with excitement.
“Well, my future hubby gave me a gold necklace!” said old Mrs. Hurst.
“And what happened to it?” Mrs. Mutasa asked.
“I loved the necklace. I would wear it on special occasion. I was young then, and while returning from a party, a thief snatched it away. I felt so much angry that I thought I wouldn’t forgive myself. However, Mr. Hurst calmed me. What gift did you get from your love?”
“A watch. It was like he gave me something to mind the time. I wish he, had given me more of his time instead.” said Mrs. Natela.
“What happened to it?”
“I wore it for some time. Then the battery got dead. I kept it for many years in my drawer. Then when my grand-daughter turned a teen, I replaced the battery and gave it to her. It was working fine, but kids these days, have taken fancy to new fashion and gadgets. She hardly wore it, saying it was too old fashioned. What gift did you get?”
“My man gave me a beautiful rose. The memories are fresh as the sweet smell, like it happened yesterday.  I planted the rose in a vase, and it was fresh for about a week.” Mrs. Olebe said. “Withered after that. And now no sign left, but the memory!”
“My man gave me a ring. It was like any other ring which a guy of seventeen would buy for his love. But it was special for me. I wore it for it was worth more than a diamond ring to me. Unfortunately, some years later, I lost it and it was never found.” Said Mrs. Sigrun.
“That’s sad!” said Mrs. Olebe. “It is very rare, for a gift to be permanent, useful and valuable only to the owner when they are so emotionally attached.”
“It is difficult, but not impossible.” Mrs. Dolly whispered. “My love gifted me a pair of spectacles.”
“What? Spectacles!”
They couldn’t help subsiding a sheepish smile, hearing about the strange gift.
“Well, tell me, did your gifts last?”
“No,” they all said in unison.
“Mine did! The specs was something, which nobody would steal. It helped me stay connected to him. It stayed with me all the years.  And it was a constant source of his reminiscence and presence, after his death.”
“So, you have saved the spectacles for the 70 years of your life?” Mrs. Natela was incredulous.
“Yes!” Mrs. Dolly murmured. “Once, my eye lens power changed, I kept it as a memory. The watch of yours was good, but then anyone could steal it. But the one who loved me, wanted me to be free of the care of the gift he had given to me.  He is no more now. But I see him through his eyes. I did not give him anything, and neither did he give me. Except that he said he was giving himself to me!”
We do not certainly know what we really want. The best gift that a person could give was himself/herself, and that makes the world a beautiful place to live. And people would wonder the worth of the materials that they could show off. We know the old woman who had been gifted the spectacles was given a unique gift, that none dared to give in the history of mankind. Not everyone would give the girl on their first date something that would last her lifetime.  
And here we can say, that amongst all the women, Mrs. Dolly had been the lucky one. It was not a big date in some great place, but the emotions that ruled the heart was genuine.
“This… this was the first gift he gave to me,” she said with a satisfied smile. “And now when I have put it on, I can see him waiting for me like the day when I first met him!”
She breathed her last, transcending into a higher dimension.

The Gift Reviewed by Polymath on 3:44 pm Rating: 5


  1. it made me feel, what i will get... hehe. Your writings are always worth reading. It's amazing.

    1. Thank you, anonymous. Hope to write better for you all.

  2. And after a long tiring day.. you get to read this unique piece !
    Nice.. as always.. made me wonder how priceless my days are.. and how will I recall the time typing this comment, in some forgetful future..
    I gifted a smiling emoji batch :)

    1. Thank you, Princess. Your words are always enlightening and delightful.


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