Letter to a Daughter - from Dad.
May 2018
Dear beloved daughter,
Wishing you a
happy birthday and all the happiness in this world. At this age and time when people
are more involved in technology I want to spend some time with you as my own
self far from virtual entity and more into a reality.
You have turned 16 the prime of a woman's life
where in some of the major decisions in her life are made. At this age your mother
met me and ever since we have had the most blessed of relationship on earth. As
a father I will give you plenty of advice (you might think) but then I have
decided not to, though I will share with you some of my life experiences and
leave the choices in your hands. You might err at this age while you take
decisions for yourself and therefore I'll always be there to guide you. So
trust your daddy as you always did in all matters, for dad knows his little daughter
from the day she was born. Or rather I would say I know you much before the day
you were born. That's the side effect of being a doctor, for when I saw your
heart beating for the first time in the ultrasound scan, my heart filed with
joy. It was my ‘little princess’ all to herself. I had so much hopes and
expectations. You were my own blood with my 23 chromosomes and the joy to see
the image of my better half in a young form was overwhelming. Even if I had 4
daughters in a row I would still be happy with you and wooden barter you for
all the world. And that makes me think how some parents can murder their own
children, their very own blood and that too even before they were born. There
is no justification to it and no matter how much you convince yourself and
others, how much ever good reasons you might give there is still some guilt
lurking in the conscience. The day you were born naked in your innocence, your cry
made my heart leap. And then you as you were placed in my arms I poked my finger
in your palm and you clutched it tightly, gazing at me with your dark eyes.
There I knew one thing- I was a father and I felt the responsibility of a
father! Ask me, it is just the best feeling ever I felt as a human being.
I watched you as you grew up, saw your first steps,
heard your first words and each day you became my life. I knew for sure you were
my world and this world was meaningless without you. That is how all parental
feelings are -the children are a hope in this dark world of death. You are my hope to Eternity, an eternal life!
And so in the years, I gave you the best of
knowledge and morals to keep my spirit and the Spirit of our forefathers alive
in you. I have faith that you will carry on the legacy of our family.
16 is the age of surge of new emotions and herein
you will seek your own world, find a stranger to like and love, and seek a soul
companion. It is one of the best age in a girl’s life and (unfortunately if
things don’t go well), it is also one of the worst years in a girl’s life. Either
she gets the best of experience or the worst of the experience and it is
usually of matter of fate, though common sense and caution does come handy. And
this experience will shape your entire future. There are things I would like to
say out of my own personal experience and which you will know (with your
inquisitive mind) is right or wrong. The times have changed, and though you may
be a replica of your mother, slightly better chiseled, but then your mother
was a gem on earth and guarded her modesty. She loved me and needless to say I
loved her, but then we never tried to make a show of our love. The beauty of
this hidden love is that it is understood without expressing in words. The eyes
says it all and the mind reads it all. And that increases the romance and the quality
of romance. Public display of affection though not bad would leave little for
the private intimate moments. And love when it is intimate and hidden gives
unbound happiness.
The years to come are the trying times in your
life. And you'll get stability both emotionally and in your career once you are
around twenty-five. Between choosing career or making emotional judgement (I
think I am the only dad to say it), choose love (but confide in me first) if
you have faith that love will give you ultimate happiness. In this rush, people
forget their family, seeking their career and goals. But in most cases, people
do not know whether they are making the right choice for making a judgement in
haste, which is more of a devil's work. It is always therefore, safer to have a
career option, for in the end beauty fades, character remains and a confident
woman (who had been career conscious) can take care better of herself and her
The prevailing times have seen aggression against
women and women seeking for the rights. It is just that a woman be treated
equally and this treatment has resulted in resentment among people who do not
believe that women are capable of doing anything. A woman has as much right to
chase her dreams as long as they are legitimate, as any man has! And I trust
you will set priorities about your dreams, carriers and goals. In the pursuit
of success, do not forget that you have a social obligation and a moral obligation
(to society and religion).
At times you have to defend yourself and at times
you have to be flexible. A rigid structure like the teeth decays, while a soft structure
like that tongue stays throughout life. So if ever you find a helpless old man
who needs a seat in a crowded bus or train be willing to help him even if you
have to give up the reserved lady's seat. That is true feminism which
unfortunately in present times is mostly misunderstood.
Be modest in your glance and attire. It may be
right that people dress as they want, but it is still better to draw public
attention by your good actions rather by your odd looks. The impact of action
will last forever whilst (as I said earlier) looks will fade. I want you to be
a woman whose action speaks, and that makes you stand out in the crowd. It is
always best to blend in with the tradition and culture, for it is aptly said, “When in Rome do as the Romans do!”
The world has moved at a very rapid pace and the
scientific wonders of today are a marvellous literary imaginations of yesterday.
The rapid change has however, been much more destructive to the mental peace
than it had ever been. We really do not have private lives. The life that is
exposed to the public becomes hollow and people around develop contempt. Those
who can keep their lives within the four walls in the present times are in a
sense, successful in marauding evil glances and living a peaceful life. The
virtual world that exist is more of harm than good and robs a person of his
inner peace if he/she doesn't spend quality time in the real world.
Your mother once told me that, in the present time
the content of a person's characters should be decided from the content of the
inbox messages in their social accounts. I would therefore suggest you to be
careful with your accounts in the social media. A secret that you hold is a
secret if it is with you. A secret revealed is no more a secret and it means
like you are telling everyone out there on the planet. Your body is your own
and you should respect it- then only others will respect you. Adolescents make
a display of themselves to unknown strangers and face harassment, and mental
harassment is worse to cope up with. If you don't respect your privacy no one
else will, so no matter what keep your intimate moments to yourself. The world
of virtual web is dark, unknown, unexplored and all these traits makes it dangerous.
I will mention that the age has come to make the
best of friends and confide in (as much as everything) with your family. Make
us your best-friend and see the beauty of life in all its colours. You get to
live once, you get to die once and in between this life we have to play all the
parts of a human being. Be a responsible daughter, I'll be proud of you, your
mother will be proud of you and your country will be proud of you!
Wishing you everlasting happiness, joy and peace.
May you have many, many years of healthy and successful life ahead, by the
mercy of God!
Yours lovingly,
Letter to a Daughter - from Dad.
Reviewed by Polymath
9:04 pm

And love your Mummy more than Daddy ;)
ReplyDelete-Aunty :)
Haaha ... Nice. You should help me as her mommy.
DeleteAunty is more fun ;D