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The Exile in the Modern World

Scene I
(A garden in The Sarcastic Land)
Enter Miss Ahuja, Miss Tanvi, Princess Parida, Miss Joshi
Ahuja: Today I saw him, and my heart goes tra la la la…The one of my kind, how good it feels to know someone!
Tanvi: You seem very excited. Will you enlighten us please?
Parida: Maybe she fell in love with someone, and so she is cheerful.
Ahuja: What love? I don’t believe in love, cousin. My heart is light and gay, so I sing happily.
Tanvi: But there should be some good reason for that?
Joshi: No reason. She chirrups like a bird whenever she pleases.
Parida: There is a young lord who pesters me throughout the day with his love messages. I however don’t pay heed to his messages.
Ahuja: Who?
Parida: The New Lord to the Sarcastic Land – Lord Agyaat.

Scene II
(The terrace of a ruined old fort in the Sarcastic Land)
Enter Lord Agyaat, Baron Gajbhare and Sir Singh.
Agyaat: This is the old place of lovers. We come here to die if our love is unsuccessful. What sayst thou, my friend Gajbhare?
Gajbhare: What sayeth I? I am a broken man. My love is rejected, my life feelth wasted. I would rather jump off this parapet and end my life.
Agyaat: Nay my friend, keep a while. Patience brings the greatest gift to mankind in the form of love. Her heart will melt with your love someday, so be not gone before she realizes that.
Singh: I am glad she refused thee. Or I would duel you, that thou may refuse my sister’s hand.
Agyaat: But why my friend? Thou wilt never find a better match than Gajbhare for thy sister, who loveth her so well!
Singh: By God, his sarcasms are well known in the land. He has the stomach to conjure double meaning talks to confuse men of reason. He drives me mad, and am sure my sister would go mad with his talks.
Gajbhare: My beloved friend, my sarcasm are meant for all but her. I lose my rationale in her presence and become a witless fool. I rather stay dumb, than speak.
Agyaat: (laughs) See, the epitome of wisdom play the fool in front of a woman! No wonder your Lady rejected you. Love is blind and love is intoxicating. And you have become intoxicated in love.
Gajbhare: And so have you. I have heard you have been wooing Princess Parida.
Agyaat: She is a jewel in this kingdom. She will adorn only the worthy of her. And I am just among her numerous suitors.
Enter M. James.
M. James: Good day, gentlemen. The words have spread that love is in the air for young men to try their fortune. The fortunate will have a family as the fool sayeth, while the dejected ones will be wiser.
Why doth you stay huddled up, when men of you should be making adventure?
Agyaat: Here cometh our old man to advise us as usual. Old man, art thou again on some mission to decode a lover’s heart? Pray, tell me, what is in mine?
M. James: No, young man. Curiosity gets the better of men who try to be wise everywhere, and we make a fool of ourselves. What love maketh a man unmindful of his surroundings, that ye all visit a deserted fort in recluse? Plotting of love all alone is bad for health.
Agyaat: But thou had once been in love. And thou had loveth more than anyone ever loved. So what sayst thou to us?
Gajbhare: (aside to Agyaat) What sayeth he? He has become an old fool wandering around giving foolish advices.
 Old man, if I wert in thy time I wouldn’t mind duelling thee. It would have been interesting to have a common love trophy.
Agyaat: (aside to Gajbhare): I want to take a dig at him.
Old man, I love Princess Parida. Can you tell me a way out?
M. James:    
Ha kid, there is no way out
When you once falleth in love!
Thoust will scream and thou shout
But it will be a game of hawk and dove –
You swoop, she escapes and you can’t find
The love that be in thy heart or her heart.
Nowhere wilt thou to her bind,
But thou shalt stay apart – stay apart!
Agyaat: What nonsense, old fool? Why shalt we stay apart? Go and make merry. We have graver matters to discuss.
Singh: Let’s leave the wise man to muse in his world. The matter of the court will hasten after nightfall.
(Agyaat, Singh, and Gajbhare exeunt)
M. James: What we all seek all the while cometh not to us! And when they come, the worth becomes useless. We exist for the sake of others, a commensal relationship of existence. What is real we do not know, and what we know so how short-sighted we are!
Scene III
(A palace ground in the Sarcastic Land)
Enter Princess Parida
I am a free girl and carefree I stay,
I would feel the bliss of solitude,
There is none in my way!
I can laugh and be gay all the time,
Rather not be a princess of the multitude
Where free actions become a crime!
Enter Lord Agyaat
Agyaat: That was wonderful, my fair Princess!
It will be indeed a crime,
To reject the love that swells in my heart;
If thou not sayst that it is the right time,
I shalt tear myself apart
And lay my dying self before thy feet-
A display for unruly mob on the street!
Parida: Thou surprise me, Lord Agyaat. I do not know what to say. I love thee not. If ever thou feels an affection for me, then consider it to be a tiny infatuation on thy part. I cannot love thee.
Agyaat: But my Princess, there should be some cause that thou reject my love. Say, to soothe my bleeding heart or I won’t live. A just cause that the memories do not haunt me in my dying days.
Parida: I am in love with someone. I have given him my heart!
Agyaat: Say the name Princess! Either I live or he lives! I will have a fair fight, and if I die my love for thee dies with me, but if I live, then I will ask again thy hand. Thou deserves the best in the Land.
Parida: The name is Sir Singh, thy friend!
Agyaat: What, Sir Singh! This was a dagger worse than a foe. How do I duel my best friend?
Parida: Aye, that is difficult Lord Agyaat. But as a gentleman, I trust that thou will keep thy words and honour.
Agyaat: My Princess, it was a mistake on my part to come to a decision without knowing the truth. But I give thee my word, I will fight my friend. Only God can save us now. I take leave of thee.
Parida: Ha. It is the fools who fight, in the name of love. But I trust Lord Agyaat will be rational, and not on a Don Quixote’s mission. I can freely breathe the air of freedom, for now!
Scene IV
(A garden in the Sarcastic Land)
Enter Lord Agyaat, Sir Singh and Baron Gajbhare.
Agyaat: I am sorry my friend, that we are more of loyal foes now. This is a do or die battle betwixt thee and me. I have promised Princess Parida, either I live or ye live.
Singh: Ha! I never expected we would one day have to fight for our honour. The Princess maid arrived at my chamber with a letter from her. It was like she had made a proposal that if I win the duel, she would consider marrying me! But I never knew I would be duelling you, or I would have refused.
Gajbhare: Sometimes circumstances are better to blame for all the tragedy, than human intentions. It is the wickedness in the plan of gods, that we fight whom we wouldn’t ever even think of. So, two little hearts are on a game to win a lady’s heart. One will succumb, the other will survive. The survivor will win the lady’s hand. Choose your weapons gentlemen, and curse be on the winner!
Agyaat: It would rather be the sword that pierces the heart in action. At least we will tire each other out, to see the feel of death from a friend.
Singh: I agree. We will witness the love and valour of each other.
(They fight)
Enter Miss Ahuja
Ahuja: (Breathless) Baron Gajbhare! Please do something and stop the fight. What if something happens to anyone of them? I came rushing here when I heard the news.
Lord Agyaat, I love thee. Please, fight no more or I die along with thee!
(Lord Agyaat is wounded and Sir Singh is shaken)
No, Sir Singh. Not another stroke. Thou would rather sheathe thy sword in my heart.
Gajbhare: I think we have a solution. Sir Singh can court Princess Parida, whilst Lord Agyaat (if he survives) can court Miss Ahuja. Alas, Miss Ahuja you came a little late. I will call the doctor. You nurse the wound to prevent the blood flow.
Enter M. James
M. James: The world lives by some fool’s grace. People kill just for honour and love, where nobody gets any pleasure. What for thou two were taking each other’s life? A woman who neither loveth any of thee? Wise men will say, thou keep away from women and love none, for all the world is a trouble!
Ahuja: Yes sir. But if a lady loves a gentleman, is it unwise?
M. James: Not at all, my lady. For then thou art saving a life, and building a new one!
Enter Princess Parida, Miss Tanvi and Miss Joshi.
Parida: One of them must be dead by now!
Tanvi: The news killed me before I should see anyone of them die. If thou did loveth my brother, thou should have said to me. If anyone dies today, I ain’t forgiving thee!
Singh: Here comes my lady. So your Highness, didn’t thy heart melt by this sight or should I ask someone again to duel me?
Tanvi: Alas, dear brother! I was so much grieved. Woe to me, that I see such a day, that I lose my brother or his friend.
Parida: Oh! Lord Agyaat is wounded, and Miss Ahuja is taking care of him. I can’t bear the sight. How weak is women to blood!
(She faints)
Joshi: Sir Singh, fetch some water. The Princess needs air.
(She sprinkles water on Princess Parida)
She is reviving. Poor soul, couldn’t bear the sight of blood!
Parida: How is he? Lord Agyaat?
Joshi: He will survive, I think. Miss Ahuja is nursing him.
Parida: What?
(Faints again)
Enter Baron Gajbhare with the doctor
Doctor: I think we will have to take him to the hospital. Ha, what happened to the Princess?
Joshi: She fainted at the sight of blood.
Doctor: Let’s take her to the hospital too.
(They Exit)

Scene I
(Private chamber at Miss Ahuja’s place)
Agyaat: I feel for thee, that thou art the best of thy kind! Thou should love me, and yet never show thy love for me seems unusual but not rare for thyself. If I had but a glimpse of thy heart, I would rather lay my life for thee than seek a Princess’ hand.
Ahuja: My cousin Parida hath a cold heart. Wonder, how and who will melt that stone heart of hers? She has become more of Lady Disdain than a Princess because of my Uncle’s liberty.
O’ Lord Agyaat, listen to my heart. I loved thee from whence I know not. But I couldn’t say to thee for thou spread thy love freely to someone who loved thee not.
Agyaat: My lady, sometimes we men commit grave mistake not out of wit but for our interest. I admit I made a mistake, but no man knoweth the woman of his soul, until she reveals to him. This marriage is more an experiment of hit and trail, and the fortunate ones find their soulmate at the first hit.
I give thee my word, that I will prove to this world how much I love thee. The whole of Sarcastic Land shalt remember my love for thee.
Ahuja: Show thy love, and diminish the blemish that thou had for my cousin Parida. My heart will be pleased.
Agyaat: As thou sayst, my lady.
Scene II
(Garden, Sarcastic Land)
Enter Princess Parida, Miss Tanvi, and Miss Joshi
Joshi: Did thou know that Lord Agyaat spread his love all over the Sarcastic Land by invoking the Northern Lights and writing his love for Miss Ahuja? It was a miracle that the neighbouring kingdom did not see. The sky was lit with the message – Miss Ahuja, I love thee! Fortunate girl she is!
Tanvi: No, not she. Only the King can invoke the Northern Light to give a message all over the Sarcastic Land. Lord Agyaat has broken the law and will be banished forever from the kingdom. I believe His Highness King Adi has already banished him.
Parida: Poor me! It is all my cousin Ahuja’s fault. That’s why I avoided Lord Agyaat’s love. He becomes too passionate for anyone. My cousin must have asked him to do so, to prove his love for her.
Joshi: Aye, my Princess. But what will happen if Lord Agyaat is exiled forever. The kingdom will be more of a graveyard without his sarcastic questions!
Parida: We have Sir Singh and Baron Gajbhare. Let’s see if I can do anything. What sayst thou Miss Tanvi?
Tanvi: We should somehow bring him back. I shall ask my brother to help.
Scene III
(Private chamber, King Adi’s palace)
King Adi: Why doth my lovely daughter look so upset? Say anything in the kingdom that hurts thee, I shalt destroy it.
Parida: Your Highness, I was wondering about Lord Agyaat’s banishment.
King Adi: He has been eternally banished from the Kingdom for making use of the Northern Lights. It is strictly restricted for emergency use only, and that too only by me.
Parida: But it was only a love message. Eternal banishment means we can never see of him again. Your Highness, can’t thou do something to alleviate the punishment?
King Adi: He has broken a major law, and the council of ministers have voted in favour of his exile. But why doth my little daughter want me to sway my decision and the decision of the ministers?
Parida: I know not, father. I want him back. I feel guilty, like he was banished because of me. Isn’t there any way?
King Adi: There is only one way – the blood for blood rule. Someone else has to volunteer to go into exile, if he is to return.
Parida: Then, that’s the way. I volunteer to go into exile to see his return.
King Adi: What! Are you in your senses, Princess? Thou art the crown princess of this land, and no Princess shall go into exile. Thy words have been more devastating than Lord Agyaat’s action. I forbid thee to speak about this again.
Parida: Your Highness, on my eighteenth birthday, as is the custom of this land, I was granted a wish from thee. Now I ask thee, I want Lord Agyaat back, and for that I volunteer to go into exile.
King Adi: Dear daughter, thou art being harsh on thyself. Given that we are bound by family traditions to let children do as they want after eighteen provided that they aren’t breaking the law, I suppose thou reconsider thy decision.
Parida: (aside) I already made up my mind.
Scene IV
(Public garden, The Sarcastic Land)
Enter Agyat, Baron Gajbhare, Sir Singh, Miss Tanvi
Agyat: Glad to be back. But I have lost my name and position.
Gajbhare: Princess Parida is now gone. All because of thee.
Agyat: Aye, she came, she brought me back and she disappeared. I have become more of a fool to come back into a land I was banished from.
Gajbhare: Maybe, I shall also go into exile. The love of my life doesn’t love me. I would rather see the world than spend my life fooling in this small kingdom.
Tanvi: That would be thy most beautiful gift to thyself, Baron Gajbhare. And thou shalt learn something better so that on thy return, the people profit from thy wisdom.
Singh: Aye, that would be good. It’s better some time that we exile ourselves to learn the ways of the world, so that we can build a better kingdom.
Enter M. James
Gajbhare: Hello old friend, art thou travelling the world round?
M. James: Aye, I am. If thou want to join me, thou can.
Gajbhare: Will consider thy proposal, but for now, we must celebrate Agyat’s return.
(Agyat, Baron Gajbhare, Sir Singh and Miss Tanvi exeunt)
M. James: This is a fool’s world. Thou fight, kill, and despise the only friends thou loveth. Why? For the sake of a woman or love? For her memory, love her, cherish her, and honour her.  Not that ye fight or do unruly activities that hurt everyone. And when she cometh by, she seeth none of old to greet her and make her welcome warm.
This kingdom and tale as thou hath witnessed doth exists in the modern world as social website groups, where each group is a kingdom in itself.  And though we may be virtual, but we art more real than people of the real world!
(Curtain falls)

The Exile in the Modern World Reviewed by Polymath on 9:50 am Rating: 5


  1. feeling delighted and blissful. Thanku, it was such a good treat to read. Keep up the wonderful work.

    1. It is mutual cooperation from all. Thank you so much. ☺️

  2. WOW... creativity, application.. of a genius writer.. this is awesome !

    1. Thank you Miss Anonymous. Delighted to see your reply. 😊

  3. Phenomenal !!

  4. Really amazing.. Mesmerized by reading it!!!

  5. Mind Blowing.. Enjoyed aloa !!

  6. I was stunned to see such a masterpiece ... Keep it up Dear

    1. Thank you Miss Anjum Ara. Your words as important as mine. That is what keeps a writer inspired.


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