Unborn Love – The Future of Humanity
Hello, my name is Chinti and I am a girl. I was born a long a time ago, when I didn’t know
much about myself. I am a little weird, people say. I suddenly came up in my
dad’s arm. People wonder who my mother was, is. My father is a great guy, and I
am his Princess. He hasn’t ever let me out of his sight, ever since I knew
myself. My dad is everything I have. And he has never let me ever feel the lack
of a mother. I saw everyone with mothers and wondered what mothers were meant
for. I was fortunate I had my dad. And my dad never let me down. He would teach
me to count the stars and name them, every night as we slept in the terrace in
the warm summer months. My daddy was my hero. And he trained me in all the
possible manner a man would do to his sole child, who has to dwell all alone
and face this harsh world. I was born around the time Louise Braun was born.
Yeah, that is a lot of time from now. Louise Braun was the first test tube
baby, born in 1978, and a creation of Dr. Steptoe and Dr. Edwards.
I had a teddy bear that I hugged every night when my dad was
away at work. I still hug my old Teddy, when I am lonely and alone. My dad was
a great man. He was a scientist and did some great research works. I turned
twelve and my dad taught me all the science is there that he knew. Believe me,
my dad knows more science than any man on the planet. And my dad worked a lot.
It is strange my dad just fed my mind, I didn’t have to learn much to acquire
the knowledge he has acquired. I believe knowledge can be inherited. That is
how our instincts have come in the first place.
My dad wanted me to become the greatest genius on this
earth. But I knew my father had hidden something from me. When I was older I
wanted to know about my mother. My father could only give vague description
about her. I was angry at him. But he turned emotional, and I felt sorry for
My dad gave me the best education, and I have an excellent
mind. I think I am too much grown up for my age. I have an I.Q of 210. People
call that weird. But I think I have always known most of the things that
children learn later, right from birth. No, it is not strange for me. That is nothing unusual about me.
So I am called Chinti. I have disliked my name. I always
asked my dad why he named me Chinti. It literally means an ant, translated from
Hindi. How could my dad be so thoughtless? And my class mates have taken a time
to tease me by the name. But I won’t say anything. I appear as deaf. They get
tired after sometime.
My dad died one fine day, leaving me alone with all the
trainings he could have given me. And he left a will. I have a large number of
relatives living far away (that only I knew after reading the will), and my dad
left a decent sum for many. I had a
University degree to get from one of the best Universities. I applied for the
scholarships. But I also needed some funding for some of my own research
projects. So I remembered my dad’s will.
I had to go to a certain lawyer. Yes, my dad had left
something for me. There I found dad had been a millionaire. And he left me
immense wealth. I saw that he was saving money for me even before the day I was
born. And he had named me Chinti. He said I was like an unborn little ant, then
and when I would be, how much he would love me, he himself didn’t know! And he
also let me know the secret of my birth. I was his mirror image. God created a
woman from a man, he wrote, and God was right! There’s a woman in all man, but
not the other way round. I wondered what he meant.
They say that the chromosome Y is shrinking and very soon
the males will disappear from the face of the earth. Though that is not the
whole truth but maybe, that is what my dad thought when he made me! I may have
had a lot of sisters, or brothers, I don’t know. But it seems only I survived
and was dad’s last hope. Some scientists think that after some million years,
the males will disappear from the face of earth, and those existing will
reproduce by cloning. But the problem that arises is that after every cell division
the telomeres shortens and after say, 50- 60 divisions disappears with loss of
DNA content. So when people will clone themselves, an old cell will be taken.
And the telomeres will get exhausted after some generations. To prevent it,
there is a telomerase enzyme. But the problem that crops up is uncontrolled
cell growth like in cancer. I don’t know how my dad created me, but it must be
mystifying. I remember he used to call me Eve. Cloning doesn’t make you genius. You have to
learn to be genius. It is more of hard work and a bit of luck.
He made me out of his own cell. Rather I am him in the
feminine for- just like Eve was for Adam! And God surely didn’t do wrong by
creating Eve from Adam! There is a female (X) chromosome in every man. Most
probably my dad replicated his X chromosome to make a woman out of him. My dad
kept me a secret from the world. Yes, it would be a stigma to me and to him
from the society and the world. My dad knew of the hate messages to Louise
I have learnt to be wary of people. And keep everything a
secret from everyone. Yes! It is a reason not to trust anybody.
My dad’s last letter
reads- I wonder how some people can kill their own blood in the womb. The
little life that exists is their own. The little heart that beats, is a part of
themselves. How can anyone be so senseless that they can murder their own
selves! Someone (who was a pro-abortionist) had asked if there was a thousand
embryos in a glass jar weighing 3 kg, and a live human child also weighing 3 kg
in a building, that was on fire. Who would you save, if you could save only
It is without doubt I would save the human child, not the
embryos. But that doesn’t mean I support abortion. The human child is a form
what the embryos will be after their development. And many of the embryos won’t
live to that stage. The similitude is like that, let a thousand guilty go free,
but a single innocent should not be convicted. And moreover they are in some
artificial media that makes it less emotional to a human, were it in a mother’s
womb. The child will however cry or move, and objects that are not static draws
attention. And if it were in a mother’s womb, it is better to save the mother.
We all usually as a doctor try to save the mother first. The child is a second
priority, (by most of the woman’s relatives)! And in times of danger, it is
usually the intuition and natural instincts that work, not reason – for there
is no time to reason!
In my lifetime experience as a doctor, I saw the
hypocrisy of this world. She was infertile and went on to have a test-tube baby
with a surrogate mother. And after the baby was born, they made it a point to
look like she had normally delivered the baby with doctors, nurses, friends and
relatives coming to congratulate her as if she had delivered the baby by
herself… Apart from the medical staffs none of the woman’s relative knew about
the surrogacy. The surrogate mother was forgotten. She didn’t even get a chance
to look at the child. There was no one to care for her after that. The biological
parents didn’t bother what happened to her after they got their product.
Has some women, just become factories for bearing
children? Is motherhood to be sold? Woe to such a species, if this is
happening, (and indeed this is happening), the human species is bringing on
itself its own downfall! I do not know which species will rule the planet, but
I assure you, human having emerged from slavery to freedom will return back to
the way it began. And the masters won’t be humans to show mercy or have the least
feelings. Whatever they are, be it machines, aliens, some intelligent species,
they will be ruthless!
I feel the warnings
of my dad. But what I fail to know, who was my surrogate mother? Or did dad
make an artificial womb for me? Some questions are best left unanswered…
Unborn Love – The Future of Humanity
Reviewed by Polymath
10:38 pm

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