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Unseen Love

The first time I met her was when I was seeking for someone who could be close to my heart after my muse deserted me. I couldn’t do that in the real world. I didn’t trust anyone. So I sought for intimacy in the world of web. The next time I met her I told her she was intelligent of her kind, a feature found only in 5 percent of the population. Yes, I met her on the Facebook! And from then onward, I kept talking to her. She was intelligent unlike most of her kind (that attracted me), and had a recent breakup. She needed a shoulder. Maybe I gave her that and comforted her. She would compare me to her boyfriend, but I couldn’t. My page was completely blank- that I had reserved for my future wife.

She asked her besties to talk to him. And know what kind of man he was! Her besties gave a positive reply. When a woman needs time from a man, and he gives it to her that precious commodity; which is equal for everyone, be it a king or a pauper; then no matter what, she will develop some affection for the man.

 That is what I gave her, even though I was a very busy man, and had many other important works.
It happens that when two people of opposite sex co-exist, they have a great chance of falling in love. It was however strange that the two strangers had never met. Yet, they would fall in love couldn’t be ruled out. That is what happened to be strangers.

That was when suddenly I realized that I liked the girl. But the problem was that she could be ugly. I had never seen her; not even her picture! Could I love her without seeing her? I do not know but I grew attached to her.
She wrote in the most correct way. She corrected her mistakes. She was the best girl I knew. She apologized for her mistakes. Any man who had some amount of chivalry and sense would be drawn to her.
They say love is blind. It seemed so.

I hadn’t seen the girl, but I was head over heels in love with her. It would be disappointing if she turned out to be ugly. We had made a pact, never to show each other our face! Then it turned to be her birthday, and she posted a picture. I saw her. She was not what people would call a fairy, but she wasn’t ugly either, what I had feared the most. She was not tall, neither she was short. Just an average girl born in an average Tamil family.

 He was the first one to wish her on her birthday at the stroke of midnight, just past 12:00. However she never realized it, because her friends had wished her earlier. But her birthday hadn’t come because it wasn’t 12:00. Wishing at 11:55 p.m. didn’t mean you wished first, but rather you wished the last of that year. She never understood the concept, until much later, when he wished her friend on her birthday and told how and when to wish.
Why did the boy develop feelings for that girl? The boy did not know; he needed not to know. There was a void in his life all along. Any girl who would be beautiful in heart would fill him, because he was broken from within (mentally broken), and needed a soft touch, a healing hand of a female to make him the man he was.

But then after some days, I had to face a bad news. She said she was going to get married! It struck me like a bolt of lightning! However I congratulated her, typing, while my tears flowed freely. I told her life had the best in store for her.

The girl however said, she wasn’t happy. He however encouraged her to go ahead; for he said that her parents wished the best for her. That night he cried again, and talked to her bestie, Miss Evans for consolation. He confessed to Miss Evans, that he had developed feelings for her friend. But he made her promise she wouldn’t tell that to her friend!
“Why did you cry?” Miss Evans asked.
“I don’t know!” he said. “It’s nothing.”
Some days passed, the girl wanted to know more of the prospective groom she was going to get married to. She sent a picture of the groom to the boy. But innately, something within her churned. She sought to know more of the groom on the Facebook. And there she saw his picture with a girl. The girl was very close to him in the picture!
She had enough evidence to call off the proposal. The girl sent a friend request to the supposed groom. He quickly removed the pictures. But the damage was already done. She was already suspicious and his activity confirmed her suspicion. And she told that to her mother. The marriage proposal was cancelled; but her mother was furious!

When I got to know that the marriage was cancelled I was very happy. However, I messaged her that it was bad for her to revolt against her mother’s choice. Anyway whatever happened, had happened for the good!  In my happiness I sent a scene from the movie, Swades, where the heroine rejects the prospective groom and the protagonist (Shahrukh Khan) expresses his happiness! I urged her to study for the UPSC exams, saying that if she qualifies in it, she will get the husband of her choice- anyone she wants!

The girl listens to him, and went to her grandmother’s home, because at her home her mother kept pestering her about her marriage. And there were many other suitors in the list waiting to woo her. Her grandmother place was a safe haven from distractions. She would talk to the boy often. They wished good morning when they woke up and wished good night before they slept. And they shared and talked about everything. Until one day, the boy announces the girl (he tells her everything that goes in his life) that he had met a familiar girl. He couldn’t understand why she looked so familiar. The girl takes it to be some jest, like the other girls’ he talked about. But the next day, he tells her that she was the same girl he saw in a newspaper, and had liked her on first sight. He had kept the newspaper with him all along, for seven years. That explained the familiarity. The girl didn’t say much, but advised him how to approach the newspaper girl.
They also had little fights, like any man and wife, which was not strange. However, sometimes the boy would talk of intimacy and the girl would talk of her former boyfriend to change the topic. That angered him. 

Next time, when she talked of her boyfriend, I was very angry. All my pains to make her forget her boyfriend had gone in vain! I spoke harshly to her, of the pains she inflicted to me by talking of her boyfriend. After that I didn’t talk to her for some days.

 The girl apologized, saying she didn’t want to talk of her boyfriend, but that was the only way to make him hate her. She had cried that day when he had told her of the newspaper girl!

“Why? Why did you cry?” I asked. “You haven’t seen me yet – not even my picture.”
“I don’t know,” she said. “It’s nothing!”
Unseen Love Reviewed by Polymath on 10:55 pm Rating: 5


  1. Enjoyable Writing. Keep writing!!!

    1. Thank you so much. Your feedback inspires me to write on.

  2. You are welcome!!!
    Writing is hard. And that too when you are new. And blogging is to show glimpse of your writing to the world. It is also a good platform to experiment with your writing..
    Google.. Keep going

  3. Wow! Interesting writing dude! I really enjoyed

    1. Thanks a lot Eric. Experiences are truly interesting.


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