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The Old Diary of Love

Like old habits die hard,
So doth old love!
I had it buried in a chest,
Hidden from the Heaven above!
But then God, showered it with his rain,
And the chest was drenched ,
And I gave the permission to break the lock,
And reveal what in my heart I had wrenched!
Lo behold, revealed the diary,
A story of forlorn love,
Of a one sided dangerous love,
That broke the heart and mind,
To dwell in Death's grove!
Hearken thee my old friend,
Stay here awhile.
You may think me to be a mad man,
And pass away with a smile.
But I tell you, I loved once,
A love that no man could ever confess,
I hold the pretty memories of estrangement,
Not anyone fault to bless!
It has been eight long years hence,
But like old habits that die hard-
So do old love, and mistakes;
Crop up to make life hard!
What we yearn to keep
Silently into the core of our heart,
Will someday be made public,
And a great revolution impart!

The Old Diary of Love Reviewed by Polymath on 11:49 pm Rating: 5

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