The Jinxed Post
Many of you must be an avid fan of Harry Potter. Even though you
may not be a fan, but you must have heard the name. [Well the story has nothing
to do with Harry Potter]. And those who have read Harry Potter surely know Tom
Marvolo Riddle –You Know Who, alias Lord Voldemort. So, Riddle, when he had
completed his schooling and after travelling the world, wanted to work in
Hogwarts as the professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. But then the
headmaster, Albus Dumbledore refused the post to Tom Riddle. After that they
say, the post was jinxed and no master lasted more than a year.
Well thinking of the jinxed posts (not to say of posts on Facebook,
Twitter or other social media), I happened to recollect a similar instance that
happened in my school many years ago.
The principal of school died while in office. Some say his wife had
poisoned him, because she had affair with one of those fortunate young
gentlemen. But then those were wild rumours to disgrace a beautiful lady.
The next principal, who took the office turned mad in a month and
was thrown out. Everyone said he had fallen in love with the widow of the
former principal, and she had refused him.
The third in the list
happened to be a calm man with beautiful wife. When he took office, he laboured
hard on redesigning the infrastructure of the school. But that affected his
family life, to say. Soon afterwards, his wife divorced him and finally unable
to cope with the stress, he resigned.
The fourth principal in the list, was a merry fellow who cracked
jokes when he could, at the at the expense of the teachers. When he assumed the
office, his behaviour changed. He would spend hours in the loo. And he would
get enraged even at minor faults and reprimand both the students and teachers
severely. Finally, he was diagnosed with prostate carcinoma and he quit.
They all had one peculiar complaint in common – they felt their mind
was controlled, with severe tension and pressure in their head being the
primary feature.
The fifth in the list was a clever young man. He had seen the fate
of his predecessor and he presumed that the post was jinxed; the curse of the
past principal who had been murdered. So, he said he would act as the acting
principal, and leave the post vacant. And we saw that he never sat on the
principal’s chair.
It was a working fine for
all of us until one day, due to an earthquake (they say it was a jinx) the
building collapsed and the school was closed. Fortunately, it was a holiday!
Indeed, some posts are truly jinxed, be it even the topmost post of
the most powerful nations!
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The Jinxed Post
Reviewed by Polymath
9:27 pm

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