Seven Years of Love on Paper
The first time I saw the girl was in a newspaper. She featured in the advertisement of the numerous coaching institutes for Medical Science. I fell in love with her at first sight. I adored her, and I was like a fan who worships a star. She was the best of her kind and, I loved her immensely. And I kept the newspaper with me. I hid the girl's picture in my notebook, and would gaze at her longingly whenever I could (she was my secret!). She was my inspiration in the failed times. I loved her a lot. But, then she was a distant dream. And a dream of many. She had everything in her, that would make her popular, famous and a killer (of hearts). I was but a dot, in the large ocean of her followers!
So I didn't do anything. I just worshiped her.
I sought her on the internet. I found her on the Facebook and one day, with all the courage I could muster, I messaged her. I was worried, if she would feel bad. I kept on thinking about her the entire day. I would log into my Facebook account, every other 10 minutes. This went on for the entire day. But I didn't get any response from her. I felt saddened. It feels strange, that the person you would want with all your heart just ignored you. I waited for a week. There was no response from her side. Probably, she hadn't seen my message. Or maybe, she had numerous such messages, and she couldn't find my message different from the others and had therefore ignored it altogether. I messaged her again after some months, in hope that she might read and remember me. The hope however, turned to be just a hope. Nothing else.
Seven years whisked by. And I buried her love in my heart and went on to seek women, I thought were best fit for me, who were of my status. She was beyond my range. I was just a poor, love lost boy. And the best thing, that I observed that people did not love me. They loved my ability. So I made use of it. I disguised my self, and found a truly gentle girl, with a forlorn love story, on the internet (Facebook as usual).
The internet has become a powerful weapon for introverts like me. It has given us a face and voice that was just in our imagination. We can talk, laugh, shout, and flaunt ourselves in front of the whole world, without really showing our true selves.
I liked the internet girl. She was just the girl I wanted as my friend and wife. And she was not very beautiful- but then, she was a girl you couldn't refuse and would make a wonderful wife. I wondered if a man and woman would fall in love with each other on the internet. And then fall in love in real.
Then it happened all of a sudden. It was like a bolt from the blue. My female colleague came with her friend (a girl) to the department. The girl looked very familiar to me, a deja vu. I saw in her, my wife. And after she had departed, I tried recollecting who the girl was. It was the newspaper girl!
The evening after work, I told the story to the internet girl. That I had seen the girl of my dreams. She supported me, and urged me talk to her. But, I was a real introvert in the matter of girls. I would have rather proposed aunties. At least they are not troublesome as these girls. She however gave me the tips how to impress the beautiful girl. I however wondered that, talking for all these months to this internet girl hadn't built in her any emotion for me. Maybe she wanted to see my happiness. Such women were priceless!
I wondered what to do. I just couldn't go and simply propose her. If I had waited for seven years, and destiny had brought her to me, once; and if she was destined to come to me and be mine, she would come to me like wise. That is what the internet girl told me. She said, the beautiful girl was destined for me!
I had helped my colleague during some of her tough days, and she owed to me. So I asked her to help me in this respect.
And, it was no wonder, that I met the girl of my dreams after those seven years of waiting and talked. She was in total disbelief that I had waited for her all along. She asked me, if I was talking to any other girl, other than her. If I had any other affair? I was mesmerized. I wanted to lie about the internet girl. Well she was not an affair, but, she was the girl, I would talk to and tell her my problems.
I however, decided to stick with the truth. I told her, I chatted with a girl on the internet. I thought, it was the end of the beautiful relationship that had just begun. She, however smiled, and logged in to her Facebook account. She was the same internet girl. She was fake as I was!
Seven Years of Love on Paper
Reviewed by Polymath
4:05 pm

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