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Faith in Humanity

He was a frail looking young guy, fresh from high school. Looked too young to be in a high school. He wore spectacles and looked studious. There was remarkable aura of innocence surrounding him.  And he was a Muslim.
And “She” was a….. Well that’s the tragedy, there is no “She” in this story. It was a Pre-Medical Test entrance Examination. Those were the days, when two examinations were taken for the Medical Entrance. The Preliminary Exams, where the questions were objective type and the Mains Exams, where the questions were subjective. And the boy had qualified in the preliminary and was going to give his Mains Exam. As a matter of fact, those who qualify the prelims, are considered studious and the doctor geek type, and maybe people think a bit more highly of them. And there is confidence in those who qualify the prelims.
  He was new to the city, and he thought of first visiting the centre where the exam would be held next day. On his way on the auto rickshaw, he chanced to ask a middle-aged man sitting next to him about the centre and if there were any hotels nearby. The man was a Hindu, worked as a train driver and was a resident of that area. He asked the boy what the purpose of his visit was. And the boy told about his examination. The man asked him to show the admit card to see the address of his centre. “Oh! This school, where your exam will be held is close to my home. You can stay in my home for the night.”
  The boy out of politeness accepted the offer. He was given a room and he spent his time studying and sleeping. The man’s wife brought him food, and she told the boy she was an invigilator in the centre. The next day, the boy gave his exam. After the exam the boy went to a sweets shop, and bought rasgullas and gave it to the family.
 “I am going to qualify in the exam.” The boy said out of humility. “So am giving you the sweets earlier.”
The man said, “This is your first attempt. Not many qualify. Next time if your centre is here, do come again.”
   Now the question is, who had greater faith in humanity? The man asking the boy (a Muslim) to stay in his home or the boy trusting a stranger (a Hindu) in an unknown city! Those who divide humanity on the basis of religion are the ones for whom Hell is prepared!

P.S. - The boy qualified in the Mains Exam. It was his confidence that showed in his speech and action. 
Faith in Humanity Reviewed by Polymath on 12:42 am Rating: 5


  1. . If he sold the horse at 10 % loss and the cart at 20 % gain, he would not lose anything; but if he sold the horse at 5% loss and the cart at 5% gain, he would lose Rs. 10 in the bargain.

    1. The price of the horse is more than the price of the cart. The horse costs Rs. 20.51 while the cart costs Rs. 15.38.
      Thanks for the wonderful comment.


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