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The Great Depression

Far into the dungeon sits a lonely man,
Hid from the world's prying eyes.
Lone he is, and nobody can
Or will ever listen to his cries!

“Oh! Somebody take me out,” says he,
Till his voice is hoarse of pleading.
But he is unheard in his misery,
And his heart stops not bleeding!

“Oh! I am all sore,” says he,
“Hunger has deserted me, so has sleep.
Such misery in life, I must agree
Has gone into my heart very deep.

“There is not a ray of sun-shine,
Neither do I believe hope exists.
In this darkest hour of mine,
Only sin and evil creeps and persists!”

And there befalls silence eerie and queer
In Hell's deepest cove.
Now, only Death could steer
Life into Heaven's grove!

Thanks for reading... let me know your views in comment below.

The Great Depression Reviewed by Polymath on 8:37 am Rating: 5


  1. In the dark..
    Seeking help from the angels..
    Oh god, please send some,
    For I know you won't come.
    Sleeping sickness I have,
    Knows all.
    For insomnia I have,
    Asleep I won't fall.
    Braking morals with promises
    Only way that remains,
    For life is my worth that ?
    Writer have I became here,
    Soul of mine is the dying fellow,
    Will save it, decided I,
    Am flying now with emotion none.
    Killer the depression was,
    Was is wrong, is is right,
    For I learnt surviving !

    Parallel universe exists if,
    By chance if the calendar's late,
    Heart mine cries for the soul poor,
    Let me the angel be,
    Heart poor that searches for.

    1. Dear anonymous, I can feel your pain and emotion. And you have written beautifully of emotion and depression.

    2. Dear English guy, thank you..
      I didn't say anything about your poem last time as the poem was so much relatable that I got lost in pitying my past self.
      Now, it must have been clear how much I found the poem great ?

    3. Dear English girl, did anyone tell you, you have a beautiful heart? I didn't either because I was so engrossed in knowing you more, but now I know you a bit, I can dare say, You Have a Beautiful Heart! And it must be clear to you, how much I like talking to you.
      Love, APolymath

    4. Dear English guy, you did.. golden heart.
      Aren't they synonyms
      Thank you.. :)
      And did you recognize me ?


    5. And for so late, but I finally did. Better late than never, raini-bow. ☺️☺️


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