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The Eternal Love Diamond

The Eternal Love Diamond

(For the sake of truth)
Love be eternal, eternal love be
And to remind the love, a diamond be!
A diamond for the world to see
That lovers could immortal be!

A diamond gifted by an immortal hand
To leave permanent imprint on Time's sand,
Where several footsteps would tread to see
Love immortalised to its highest degree!

Out of a rock, like a glittering glass,
Carved be the diamond to encompass
Every sight and mood into one single stare,
For people to realize, love was indeed there!

Falls the white light on the pale stone,
Like a moon the white diamond shone,
In the dark room, all alone,
In the dark room all alone!

And like the moon the diamond stays
Beautiful as ever, through forgotten days,
To be remembered forever when mankind
Acquires knowledge of past after their find,
That there lived the lovers, the master
Of the diamond the world was after!

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The Eternal Love Diamond Reviewed by Polymath on 8:35 am Rating: 5


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